Software Developer
Working with Python, making REST API's & experienced with Django.
Creating Unit Tests to ensure funcationality. Optimising server performance, & working with databases such as Postgres and MySQL.
Big fan of Docker to manage environments. Also experienced using tools such as Redis, MQRabbit, Celery, Nginx and Git.
Setup Cloud Computing on AWS with services such as RDS, S3, SQS & SES.
Managed Elastic Beanstalk instances and environments.
Can jump into HTML, CSS and Javascript to create a user orientated browsing experience.
Developer based in London
Fixated on the latest technology, software tools and cool shiny new stuff.
My journey started diving into programming headfirst in the 2020 Covid lockdown and have never looked back. Previously I worked as a Producer in advertising & VFX with brands such as Nike, Amazon, Lenovo and Toyota, where I managed clients, teams and resources.
Now I love coding all day working on projects and solving problems with software & apps. Initially focused on learning Python and Django for a year, I'm now branching out to other languages such as Javascript and Go to get a broader understanding.
Some personal work